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Gift Giving

Your relationship and the time and experiences you share together is your invaluable gift to your mentee. For those who feel they need to do something for their mentee, please remember to keep it small.

  • a thoughtful card is very special

  • a book to donate to the school library or a game for the building mentoring supplies is something you can share with others

  • a card or other craft project that you do together that your mentee can take home to share with his/her family

  • please be careful about gifts of food; both the abundance of allergies and district wellness and nutritional policies complicate food gifts

  • check in with us or building staff if you think your mentee has a sibling or close friend in the program to avoid complicated situations especially during the time of year end celebrations

  • we'd love to hear the ideas you've developed over the years so that we can share with other mentors

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GYM Supporting community 20 years.png

605 New England Road

Guilford, CT 06437



Press 7 for Mentoring

Member Agency of


Guilford Youth Mentoring’s goal is directly aligned with Guilford Public Schools effort to provide a Culturally Responsive Education: to do our best to provide an atmosphere where every child feels welcome, appreciated and recognized. That’s a tall order and one which isn’t being taken lightly. Mentors play a crucial role in this; they send a clear message: “you matter.”

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