Summer passes much more quickly than we think it will when all of those weeks stretch out ahead of us in June, so most mentors just assure their mentee that they'll see each other early in the fall and look forward to hearing about their summer.
Ours is a school based program and mentors' meetings are not covered by the school system during the summer. However, we understand that each relationship is unique and that mentors may want to reassure mentees that they are thinking of them and looking forward to seeing them in the fall.
The following suggestions come from the National Mentoring Center and our own
mentors. Please don't feel that anything more than celebrating together in our
last meeting is necessary. These are just some thoughts for those of you who
have asked for other ideas.
Give your mentee 3 or 4 addressed and stamped envelopes (or postcards) and write to each other periodically during the summer.
Give your mentee a small notebook and ask him or her to write down thoughts and feelings to share when you meet in the fall.
Exchange photos with your mentee to serve as a reminder when you are not there.
Give your mentee a small pocket calendar and mark off the weeks until you see each other again.
Give your mentee a disposable camera to use throughout the summer and then have it developed when you meet again so you can talk about the photos.
With older kids, you can text, use email or an occasional phone call to communicate if it's ok with the parent/guardian.
Send your mentee a small, inexpensive gift (i.e. slinky, pinky ball) to show you're thinking of them.
Please share any different ideas that have worked for you so that we can pass those along to other mentors.