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Our mentors are retirees, bankers, artists, doctors, police officers, homemakers. They are caring adults who are willing listeners - patient, flexible, encouraging and supportive. 

Meet Our Mentors

Tropical Leaves

Rob Oman

Rob Oman is a managing partner of The Stone Agency Insurance, which is showing its support of Shoreline Arts Alliance (SAA) by hosting the SAA Guild’s Costumes & Cocktails at the agency’s expansive home and beautiful grounds on Goose Lane. (Photo by Pam Johnson/The Courier) 


Sheri Kellaher

Through her photography of Guilford Public Schools Unified Sports, Sheri Kellaher says, "she tries to capture the competitive spirit, sportsmanship, friendship, joy, and love that I witness every time I attend a Unified Sports event." (Photo by Colin Kellaher)


Ray Guimont

In his role as a mentor in the Guilford Mentoring Program, Guimont uses his life lessons to guide young people in finding their own dreams.

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605 New England Road

Guilford, CT 06437



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Guilford Youth Mentoring’s goal is directly aligned with Guilford Public Schools effort to provide a Culturally Responsive Education: to do our best to provide an atmosphere where every child feels welcome, appreciated and recognized. That’s a tall order and one which isn’t being taken lightly. Mentors play a crucial role in this; they send a clear message: “you matter.”

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